Hola Amigos! Estamos en México! 

Just after Christmas, my family took a trip down to La Mision, Baja California, Mexico. Here we worked in an orphanage and spent wonderful time with the family. We stayed in a beach house right along the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
Our beach house is the one with the green railing!
We spent a lot of time combing the beaches. One night the tv series 24 was on-and we were all hooked--

...and even my brother.. :)

The boys went Deep Sea Fishing one of the days. They had a blast catching lots of fish, whale and dolphin watching, and trying not to get sick. Poor Brian was pretty sick the whole time but he was such a good sport!

We visited Ensenada and walked, shopped, and ate!
All too soon it was time to leave and head back to Utah and Chicago. We are so grateful we were able to go over the break and to spend the time serving and with our family. My dad told us many times on the trip and it is instilled in my heart- The Lord has a very special place in his heart for orphans and for all his children.
are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement,
our support, our comfort, our kindness. … We are the Lord’s hands here
upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He
is dependent upon each of us." -President Thomas S. Monson