This week my sister Camille and her husband Ben went on a 3 day trip to Washington DC, and then off to Costa Rica for 10 days. Yes, everyone is secretly jealous and wishing to steal their tickets or jump in their luggage. But lucky for the whole family it means that little Claire Bear stay with us!
I think I caught the one time this little munchkin hasn't smiled---Literally! She is ALWAYS happy! |
So for the first part of this week it was Brian and mine's turn to get a little sneak peak at what parenting would be like. I joked with him and told him that it would be good birth control for us. Boy was I wrong.
I don't think a moment goes by where Brian doesn't turn to me and say, "I want one Anna"
Oh boy! I was told that right after a couple gets married, the girl will go through a phase where she'll see all the babies in the stores or at sacrament meeting and just want a baby. I went through this stage. I was told just to make it through this little phase because then reality would hit me that we weren't ready. Well reality hit me this week and I was the one trying to convince Brian we weren't ready. He'd keep saying, "Let's have a baby" but what he really means is, "Let's have a Claire." We should just clone her. Riiiigggghhht.

Claire is the easiest baby. She isn't awake for more than 3 hours at a time. (Jealous right? I wish that could be me sometimes) So she sleeps a lot, eats, poops, and laughs and laughs. Literally. That baby does NOT stop smiling. She lets anyone hold her and play with her. When I put her down for her naps, she'll take the Binky out of my hand grab, lay down in her crib, and pull the blanket over her. WHAT BABY DOES THAT? Of course after babysitting a baby like Claire everyone would want a baby.
The reality of it is, that most babies aren't like this. I certainly wasn't. We visited my grandma the last night and she told me a story about myself I had never heard. She said that one time I was at a banquet with my family. There was an older lady in her 50s sitting across from me and I just looked and looked and looked at her. Finally I asked fairly loudly ( I was a very blunt child.. still am) "How old ARE you?"
I just want to know what Camille and Ben have done that I can replicate. She's not only a good baby, but a stinking cute one.We pretty much don't want to give her up. But how could we not?
Don't worry though, just because we got the parent preview doesn't mean we'll be having a child anytime soon. We still have lots to get under our belt before there's a baby. :)
Now you want one too. Don't ya?! |