Friday, June 10, 2011

Meet Steve&Hammy

   So the other day when we came home, I walked in the door and a squirrel ran past me. What?! So Brian and I spent the afternoon trying to chase the little creature out. We named him Steve from the movie Over the Hedge. After that little adventure we enjoyed the rest of the night. The next morning while I was getting ready we found another squirrel in our closet.

    Most people get invaded my mice or rats, but not us... we get invaded with squirrels. We named this one Hammy because it was like he was on caffeine. Squirrels are SO fast! While we were trying to scare Hammy out, he ran at me and I stepped on him on accident! Brian and I both started screaming our heads off until Brian grabbed a shovel, scooped up the squirrel, and threw him outside.

Brian and the "Squirrel Scooper"

     So we thought we were squirrel free until a few hours later when we found a hole in the ceiling where a projector's cords extend. Three more squirrels were poking their heads out! Great! So we've moved from a leaky apartment to one full of squirrels! What will be our next adventure?!


  1. Oh my gosh Matt and I are dying laughing... that is so funny and scary!!! What the squirrels?!

  2. LOL! This is hilarios! You two are so cute.


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