I can't miss blogging about this BIG day! The 14th was my little Jimmy's 16th Birthday! Woot! Woot! All I ever hear about my brother is what a ladies man he is. I have people tell me all the time, "I love your brother! All the girls love him!" Make way ladies now is your chance to snatch him!
Instead of 16 things I love, I'm gonna put 16 random facts:
1) His memory is amazing. He can quote movies he hasn't seen in years and he could probably give the actors themselves a run for their money.
2) James has always been my pal. When we were young he was always the one that would go on my wild adventures with me as we'd go Carp Hunting or try to catch snakes and frogs.
3) As a child James believed that my dad was an international swimsuit model
4) James likes to go through my dad's old clothes from high school.. (yes he still has an entire wardrobe!) and not only try them on.. but wear them publically.
5) James secretly wants to be Batman... or Thor or Captain America or Iron Man.. Though his family has always known him as Underwear Boy, since he refused to wear clothes as a child. (Now days he refuses to even wear underwear)
6) James has a strange sense of humor. Things come out of his mouth that I have never even heard before nor would I have ever thought of.
7) James has always been my model for my crazy ideas. I used to love to make stuff out of paper and crafts. I would always use James as my model as I would wrap him up in paper pirate hats and swords.
Yes that's a diaper |
8) He has mad skills. He's very athletic and good at anything he tries.
9) James would play Barbies with me in our younger years. Hist first G.I.Joe became my Barbie's new boyfriend.
10) James told a joke once that went like this, "Why do we have pauses inbetween our laughs?" (EX Ha ha ha ha)
Answer: "Because otherwise we would all laugh like this, 'HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!'"
Now he randomly yells HAAAA... whereever we go!
11) James has a very strong testimony. He is such a great example to me. I find the little things he does as a reminder for himself, a very strong reminder for me as well. He has a pin-board full of missionary quotes and has little sticky notes around his room reminding him to say his morning prayers.
12) I confess, I made James afraid of the dark as a child. I use to pretend to be a mummy that would chase him whenever the lights went out.
13) James knows every one of Michael Jackson's songs and probably all his moves too.
14) James has a contagious smile and laugh
Dad's old ski racing suit |
15) James's nicknames are Big Bellied-blue eyed bubba boy, Jimmy, and The flatulator (in fact he has a shirt my sister made for him that says this and he wears it proudly)
16) James can do a great impersonation of the cartoon pink panther. It kills me every time. :)
Pretty much he is the most awesome kid ever and my very favorite brother!
I love you Jimmy!