My baby left me at 7 weeks.
I have had a few people tell me, “Lucky you weren't that far
along yet so you weren't that attached.” Comments like that have felt like a
slap in the face. Why wouldn't I have already been attached?
I knew the day after that I was pregnant. I could feel a
change in my body and it was such a strange sensation I just knew I had to be
pregnant. I waited 2 weeks and took a pregnancy test and had a big bold double
line confirming what I had already felt.
Telling Brian was unreal. At first he didn't believe me, but
who could blame him when I had tricked him in the past? After that it was kind
of a blur of emotions; the excitement, the nervousness, anxiety and thought
that kept running through our heads “We. Are. Parents!” As the days went on,
the feeling that surfaced the most was love. I loved this little person within
me. I felt so blessed that I was going to be a mommy.
Joy is the best way to describe it. We started calculating
doctor appointments and when we would find out the gender and of course the due
date. I was due in August. In fact, I was due on Brian’s birthday August 16, 2014.
I thought of my baby every second. What would she look like,
who would she look like? What would we name her? What would she accomplish in
her life?
Yes.. I call her a she. I had a very vivid and real dream
that this baby would be a little girl. Whether that is true or not we won’t
know in this life, but it has helped me in this whole process to call my baby a
Keeping a secret when one is bursting with joy is so hard. But
we did because we knew I wasn't that far along and we knew the possible risks
and so our lips remained shut.
We were heading to Utah to visit family for the holidays and
I can’t even tell you how many times I found myself talking to my reflection
saying, “Now Anna, This needs to remain a secret.”
The day came to fly to Utah. Our flight was delayed. We
missed our connection. I was having cramps. Told there were no more flight for
2 more days. Said a prayer. Still having cramps. We decided to drive. We
decided not to drive. Cramps closer together. We got stuck at the airport for
almost 24 hours. Said another prayer. Cramps. We found a cancelled flight.
About to board the cancelled flight when:
Cramps. I was doubled over with pain from cramps that were
coming on so quickly I didn't have time for breath. I feared what was
happening. I wanted to just get home to Utah. I just wanted to leave the airport.
On the plane. Not seated by Brian. Cramping. All alone. In the middle of a man and woman I didn't know. All alone. Cramps. Sweating. Withering. Can’t. Hold. Still. All. Alone.
Finally off the plane. In the car. Straight to a Christmas
party. In the bathroom. There is the baby. Tears. Tears.
Tears. Tears...
Then came all the emotions. Fear. Sadness. Bitterness. Fear.
Self-Blame. Worry. Fear. Heartache. Are just some of the few raw emotions that
immediately hit. Even though I had a firm testimony and confirmation of the
truthfulness of the Gospel, it didn't stop those first few moments of pure
heart wrenching sadness. I couldn't understand how someone so tiny and that had
been with me for such a short time, could leave such a hole in my heart.
About as soon as all these feelings started, I was overcome
with a sense of calmness. I don’t know how to explain it, I still felt sad, I
still was crying, but I was calm. Calm because I knew that everything was going
to be okay even if at that moment my world and plans were crashing down. I was
in fact, NOT alone. Nor had I been on the plane during the most pain I can remember
feeling. I repeated it to myself in the mirror as I left the bathroom. I am NOT
Tender mercies are
always present if we but look for them. My first was the fact that I was
(almost) in Utah where the doctor I have gone to for the past 3 years is. The
second was that I was again (almost) in Utah where my family is. What would I
have done if I had been back in Chicago? Would I have even shared this with
them? How would I have dealt with this differently?
Not a day goes by where I don’t think of the little one I
lost. Of all the potential that she had to offer. And then I find myself
correcting what I just thought. HAS to offer. Not had. My baby still HAS
potential to offer. Maybe the physical qualities she has to offer are limited
in this life, but her spiritual qualities live on.
She showed me the miracle
of life. Life is so complex and such a miracle. I know that God exists;
there is no way that life could be without God. With God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). The God-given ability to create life is absolutely beautiful
and is the most exalted power God has given his children.
She taught me to trust
in the Lord. His plan and His timing are far more wise and better than my
own. The Lord was helping me to understand the Savior. At first I thought that
it being Christmas only a few days later was so unfair. But then I really
started to understand the atonement better and what Heavenly Father may have
felt to allow His Only Begotten Son to die to atone for our sins. And I knew I
was not alone.
She taught me to have
faith. The world and technology and research throw so much at you. You can
eat this, not that, do this not that, blah blah blah. While I certainly tried
my best to be healthy and active for her, I grew to have faith that I was simply doing my best. Who really
knows how to BE pregnant. Everyone is so unique and every situation different,
you just do your best to be healthy and trust in the Lord.
I have felt like I have needed to write this, because I am a
full believer that God does not just give
us the experiences we face in this life for ourselves. We too may grow and
learn, but through them someone somewhere can be helped or blessed. We need but
write them down and share.
This is my journey. I have had confirmation that I will be
able to see and raise my baby girl in the next life. This is not the end. I have a baby waiting for me that is not lost.
The worth of souls is great in the sight of God (D&C 18:10).
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I may not be an artist, but it was the best way to describe the comfort I have felt over the loss of my baby. |
I have also learned 5 very important concepts about
miscarriage. I hope that someday somewhere I can give encouragement and
strength to those who may be mourning the loss of a little one.
- This was not my fault. With the complexity of life itself, there are bound to be problems every now and then. Isn't it a blessing that our bodies are designed to recognize this? Some studies show 25% of women have miscarriages and others show 40%. That is very common. Because of this I know that I am not alone. I hope I can in return, help others who may have experienced something similar.
- Don’t be afraid to share. It helps to talk about it. If I had kept in my heartache and sorrow I don’t even know how I could have coped. Friends and family have been the greatest support. Others who have had similar experiences and sharing them with me have also been so encouraging and strengthening.
- Take care of myself and my husband. It is amazing how good one feels after a nice warm shower, exercising, eating healthy, and just doing my hair and make-up. It ultimately just makes me feel more positive and hopeful. It was also important for me to not forget about my husband. I expected him to mourn the same way that I did. He didn't fully understand everything that I felt and went through, but I know he tried to. Knowing that is enough. He still needs to feel loved and wanted even through my grief. Do not shut him out and do not forget that he is in this too.
- Don’t give up hope. Say it again and again. Do NOT give up hope. DO NOT give up hope.
- Trust in Lord, his plan for me, and his timing. He ultimately knows exactly what I need to better myself. Am I okay now? The honest answer is yes. I have peace and comfort that this is where I am supposed to be for whatever reason. Do I still feel sad a times? Again, yes. But I know there is something else in store for me, something that I cannot yet see but in time I will understand more of His plan.
Though I know this baby was only in my womb for a very short
time. I will never forget this first little one that Heavenly Father blessed us
with and I look forward to meeting her someday. This child I never knew made me a mother. Many of us have little
ones waiting for us on the other side as well. If you are mourning the loss of
a baby from miscarriage or stillbirth, I pray that you will feel God’s love and
peace and comfort that I know He can give, because I have felt it too.