Adeline Larson
born September 5, 2016 (Labor Day)
at the University of Utah Hospital
at 10:39 pm
8 lbs 14 oz
20.5 inches long
1 day overdue
The Story:
Monday September 5 (Labor Day): Now it had been a running joke that I would labor on
Labor Day and have this baby.. and what started as a joke became a reality as
Labor Day rolled around.
I had been feeling contractions since the day before
(Sept 4-my due date) and I had been suspicious all weekend that my water had
broken and I was leaking. By Monday, I was sure my water was leaking and that
we needed to head to the hospital.. But I was nervous to go in and be turned
away and be seen as a silly pregnant woman. So I held off for the whole
morning. I even called the doctor on call and talked to him where he told me I
needed to come in soon and not put if off any longer.
So… I finished packing the bags, loaded the car, and
Brian and I took off. We left all our stuff in the car just in case we were
turned away and got to OB Emergency center around 3 pm.
To check to see if your water is broken they do 3
tests. 2 came back negative and 1
positive so they had to redo the tests to see if my water was truly broken.
We waited.. and waited for the results. And then we
waited some more. My contractions started getting stronger and closer together.
They had been coming at 10 mins apart all day pretty lightly, but now were
coming every 5. Brian and I decided to go walk around. As we did so I had to
slow down every now and then when a contraction hit.
My new worry became that we would be turned away and
then I would just have to come back a couple hours later because I would be
ready by then. We went down to the cafeteria and shared a salad bar. I did find
myself wondering if that was a good idea because I really thought that I was in
labor.. And I didn't want to be sick during it. But I also just didn't want to
get my hopes up that we would be having this baby so I sat there and ate
through the contractions.
We took this while waiting and waiting for the tests to come back positive |
When we returned to the room, they came in and told
us that we were being admitted and would be staying at the hospital. They
confirmed that my water broke and that they were going to move me to labor and
delivery. So around 7 we went to labor and delivery where they got me changed
and got us comfortable...
Brian and I felt so odd about the whole thing-there
was no panic or worry or build up really.. It felt so odd.. My contractions
were getting closer and stronger and they told me they would be putting me on Pitocin
to get me going faster.
My nurse's name was Camilla and she was such a doll.
So stinking cute with us. She told us we were her only patients and that she
would take great care of us. Which she did. She ordered the Pitocin and had an
IV put in me. (I hate hate HATE IV's. Soooo much.)
Once it was in they started me on fluids. My contractions started feeling stronger than ever and I turned to the nurse and said "wow, that Pitocin acts fast!" And she said she hadn't even hooked me up yet. I then said "well I may need an epidural sooner then" and she said she would go order it as a big contraction hit me.
She left after plugging me in to the Pit and I started having the worst pain ever.. I couldn't sit still and hated the vital sign equipment they had put on my arm and finger and then with IV I felt like such a prisoner. I wanted to yell out and scream in pain.
I couldn't believe how terrible these felt and tried to make it to the bathroom to urinate and ended up wetting myself as a big contraction hit and as I also started throwing up.. at the same time. Talk about multitasking!
It was awful and I just cried to Brian while he held my hair away from my face as I threw up. He kept telling me that when the epidural got here I would have to sit still so they could put it in and I didn't think I could. I couldn't sit still at all when the contractions were hitting and they were coming every 2 minutes now.
And then… the buzzing and beeping started and my world went fuzzy and I started to shiver and shake.
I was struggling to open my eyes and was feeling light headed and like I had been given a huge dose of some sleeping medicine. An oxygen mask was placed on my face and I felt like I was having this out-of-body experience and looking at myself in the mirror.. It was bizarre and scared me a bit.
When I did peek I saw the room was full of people and could hear panic in some of their voices. The nurse checked me and saw that within 45 minutes I had gone from a 3 to a 7 cm dilation. I remember her exclaiming that this baby was going to be here quickly and if I wanted the epidural then the anesthesiologist better get there soon.
It was only then that I realized that the baby's heart rate had dropped and that they had taken me off the Pit (I had only been on it for 10 minutes).
They had me get on all fours in hopes that the position change would help calm the baby. They were putting a monitor on the baby's head and had given me medicine to stop my contractions.
It felt like a super long time to me and I had to keep being told to breathe and stay awake. I remember feeling worried about the baby but not being able to focus on much for long.
The anesthesiologist started prepping my back for the epidural. I was able to hold still long enough for him to put it all in. And I felt relief immediately. I was shaking and still struggling with keeping my eyes open but things began to come a bit more into focus.
I could tell the baby's heartbeat started to slow down and return to normal because the room started to empty out and the tension that had been felt died down.
They checked me again and I was a 10. So in about an hour, I had gone from 3 cm dilated to a 10 and ready to push. Dr. Sharp turned to everyone still in the room and said, “Okay, she’s ready to push!”
My heart did a flip flop and I felt sick again.. I still couldn’t keep my eyes open and my heart was pounding so hard in my chest I felt like people would have been able to see it jumping around… I couldn’t be ready to push right now? I needed a second to recover.. We had been telling our families that I was probably going to labor through the night and have the baby the next day.. this was happening too fast!
Brian was on the phone with my sister Camille, who thankfully was not far away and would be the only family member who would be able to make it to the birth.
She was about 30 minutes away and I asked Dr. Sharp if we would be able to wait since the baby’s heartbeat was now stable.
He agreed and I was so grateful.. not only to have my sister on her way, but that I had a few minutes to calm down and breathe through the last craziness of the hour. The more I sat there, the more calm I became and the more confused I became on what in the world had been going on.
So I asked Brian and he explained that I had been given Fentanyl, a pain medicine that makes one really sleepy-that explained how it was hard to keep my eyes open. He also said that the baby hadn’t reacted well with the speed at which I was laboring and they had given me shots to slow down the contractions.
For the next 20 minutes, I just closed my eyes and calmed myself down. I could feel slight pressure that the baby was getting in just the right position..
As soon as Camille walked in at 10:20ish, the nurses and doctor followed in behind her. I got a quick hug in and everyone got ready and in position.
The medicine they had given me to slow my contractions had also stopped them. There were no contractions on the charts to know when to push. So.. I was on my own and just pushed whenever I had my breath. It was a weird sensation to push and not be able to feel my legs. With Lydia’s birth, the epidural had only taken to one side and so I still felt everything in the other side and had known when to push.
This one I had nothing.. So I just pushed on my own. After a few pushes, there was then an exclamation that the baby had shoulder dystocia and they started pushing on my stomach..
But then.. there she was.. my chubby red baby.
She didn’t immediately cry and they whisked her away to check her glucose due to the medicine I had received to slow my contractions.
They cleaned her off and I watched as Brian brought her over to me and my heart melted.
He said, “It’s little Isabelle!” and immediately I thought.. no.. she doesn’t look like an Isabelle.
And I told him “No, It’s Adeline.”
My heart grew even bigger than I thought possible. They placed her on me and I just told her how happy I was to see her and that she was in my arms finally.
I felt my love for her immediately and knew that this was my baby.. my little girl. The Lord was trusting me enough to take care of another precious spirit. I was holding not only my baby girl, but the Lord’s trust in my arms.
They cleaned me up as I held her and then I passed her to Brian to hold again and then Camille. Camille was taking pictures and filming the whole time and it was so sweet of her. It made me able to focus more on the moment because I knew that I would be able to look back and see what I had missed and whatnot. Camille held the baby and Brian grabbed a few pics. It was darling.
We sat and talked with Camille and the nurse came to push on my stomach and make sure my uterus was contracting… and we all heard a gush.. like someone had poured a pitcher of water out.. and I exclaimed, “Was that blood?! Ew.. sick. I am so sorry you had to hear that Camille”
The next thing I knew I had another team of people back in the room saying I had postpartum hemorrhaging.. They were pushing on my uterus and measuring the blood that was coming out. They started poking me again and trying to clean me out. It was super uncomfortable and I felt way light headed.
Normal bleeding occurs after childbirth from open blood vessels in the uterus that provided blood to the fetus when the placenta is delivered.. The uterus typically contracts after placental separation, clamping down on the blood vessels. In a postpartum hemorrhage, the contracting doesn’t happen how it should be.
They said they were going to have to clean me out. Camille said goodbye to us since it was almost midnight and I had a team of doctors and residents and nurses there doing an ultrasound to find out if there were any clots.
Which there were..
So I had quite a few people’s hands cleaning me out and trying to get all the clots out of my uterus.. I had nurses holding my hands because it was SO painful.
Brian followed the baby to the nursery as they cleaned me out. They kept telling me how awesome I was being and how easy I was making it for them to clean me out. They couldn’t believe I wasn’t screaming.
Brian came back in and the team of people left and it was just us and the nurses that came in to check me.. and found that I was still gushing quite a bit of blood.
Again I found myself surrounded by people. This time there was an ultrasound done again and I was told they would be placing what was called a Bakri Balloon into my uterus to stop the bleeding. She said that since the D&Cs hadn’t worked, the Bakri was the next step. A Bakri Balloon is a silicone catheter used to put pressure on the uterine arteries and control the bleeding. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for modern medicine!
Putting that in was SO painful. Luckily Brian was back and held my hand and I held a random nurse’s hand in my other. I cried as silently as I could and tried not to scream and cry out as they placed it. A nurse put a cold rag on my forehead and wiped at my tears. It was such a simple and kind gesture.. I knew I was in good hands and that everything would be alright.
After everything was in place and the room cleared out, I was able to close my eyes for a bit and just rest. I wanted my baby, but I knew now was not the time for her to be with me and we needed to make sure I was recovering fully.
I was in a lot of pain and really just wanting to be sure that I would heal and I asked Brian to go find someone who could help him give me a Priesthood blessing. I needed one of comfort, peace, and healing. Brian left and came back not long later with a resident (wish I could remember his name) who anointed me and Brian then gave me a very sweet and simple blessing. It was just what I needed and as I thanked the Resident for helping, I felt at peace and knew that everything was going to turn out just fine.
The nurses came in a few times to check my bleeding and push on my stomach.
I had lost just shy of 2 liters of blood.
Finally after 4 in the morning they decided that I could be moved to the maternal ward across the way. Brian gathered our things and I was wheeled over to room 2116 where I would remain for the next 2 days.
Once we got there, Brian went and grabbed our baby so that I could hold her and love on her before I would have to send her back to the nursery to get some sleep.
When he walked back in with her, I just could feel the sun shining in our dark little hospital room at 4:30 in the morning. All the pain and fear in the last few hours vanished and I knew that this little angel was worth it all and more. She was beautiful and so alert and looking right at us. I watched as Brian would bring her up to his face and give her Eskimo kisses over and over.. melting my heart.
The rest of the hospital stay felt like forever. I had to stay longer than I wanted due to the hemorrhaging, but I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am to have good nurses and doctors taking care of me.
I also am so grateful for the Priesthood in my life and that Brian holds the Priesthood so that I or my children may call upon him to act in God’s name.
Lydia was able to meet her baby sister the next evening and it was darling. Though she only wanted to hold the baby for about 1 minute, she was excited and had to name every body part on the baby including her “eye” in which she gave Adeline a very good poke in the eye.
I can’t believe we are a family of four! Welcome to my darling Adeline, we are so grateful to have her here with us!