Sweet Adeline,
Happy birthday darling girl. How I wish time would slow down so I could enjoy you that much longer. You are such a joy in this home. Going to get you in the mornings is my favorite part of the day. You are always happy and giggly (more like a grunting pig) to see me. You start each day full of excitement and always have a smile.
That first tender moment of holding you in my arms and feeling how perfectly you not only fit in them, but in our family has rung true to this day. You were meant to be with us darling.
I have so many hopes and dreams for you as you grow and I see so much goodness in you.
You are my great thinker. You think before you act. I watch you as you take each step and do so with great thought. And it goes for the way you play, the toys that hold your attention are the ones that you have to think where to put the ball and where it will come out. You like magnets and books and stacking toys together. I hope you will always be a great thinker and strive to figure out how things work. I hope you will always remember to be kind in your words because you think about them before you say them.
Everyone is your friend. You love other babies and think you are a riot when adults pay attention to you. You are loud and a chatterbox. I hope you will treat everyone with respect and strive to be a friend to all forms of life.
You are an observer. You observe situations and are thoughtful of them. You are especially into mimicking others moves and sounds. I hope you will choose strong, brave, and faith-filled people as your role models and strive to be more like your Savior.
You are my foodie. You will try all foods and will eat almost everything from green olives to steak but will avoid peaches. I hope you will always be willing to try new things as you are willing to try new foods.
You are fast. In fine motor skills I have always been amazed at how early you could pick things up and how easily you can move those fingers. With gross motor you are just quick. Quick at crawling and your walk is more of a toddling run. I hope you will be quick with kind words and helping others. I also hope you will be willing to put your skills into action-like playing a musical instrument and continuing to be active and healthy.
I hope you will channel your curiosity into learning all you can and mastering many skills. I hope you will strive to learn and develop your own testimony of the gospel and of our Savior. He loves you so much.
You adore your sister. And she loves you with all of her big little heart. I hope this love continues to grow in you both and that you will choose to be the best of friends. And someday you will be able to hug her back just as tightly.
I hope you continue to face trials and hardships in the face like you did when you sister white-washed you. You brush yourself off and push forward. And you also learned not to be around when Lydia was throwing snowballs.
You are beautiful. From your gray/brown eyes to your curly hair. You are absolutely beautiful. But what makes you most beautiful of all is that you are happy. And I hope you will always search in your heart for that happiness and let it show and radiate from you-like in those moments when you are so so SO happy that you just shake with glee.
You are loved. My darling Adeline, my sweet, sweet baby. You are so loved. Our family adores you and our hearts are overflowing. I know that the love we feel is just a smidgen of the love that Heavenly Father has for you and I want you to know that I KNOW that he will always be there for you. You are ALWAYS loved my little sunshine.
Happy 1st birthday Sweetie!
] Mommy
& Daddy

Adeline's finished first year journal can be found