To celebrate Brian and I started on Saturday. Brian found a free bike and has spent the past couple of weeks fixing it up for me. I've been wanting a bike so bad since we got here because there are so many trails to ride on so I was super excited. He finished the bike just in time for my birthday so we took a nice ride to the beach to swim! Saturday's weather could not have been more perfect. It was bright (As shown by Brian's squinty eyes) and warm.
I really REALLY love the beach here. It amazes me how much it feels like an ocean minus the salty air taste and smell. I could live here just for the beach and the fact that there are 4 seasons! We explored the shores a little which turned in our benefit because we found a great football that had been soaking in the water for probably a few days. (We took it home and it is currently drying. I think we'll get some good use out of it!)

But anyway, back to Saturday night.. We went out to eat sushi at a place called Hayashi. It was divine. I love sushi (I inherited my dad's great taste buds)
Yes I took pictures of the food
Sunday Morning Brian woke me up with breakfast in bed. Mmmmm Delicious! He made me Eggs Benedict and did a fabulous job. We went to church where the relief society sang happy birthday to me. They were shocked to hear that I was only 21. Everyone always thinks I look older (I hope that doesn't mean that when I turn 30, I'll look 40!) A couple of the women joked "I've been 21 three times already!".
We went home where I took a much needed nap and then we made delicious desserts for the friends that we had come over. It was such a great birthday. Brian spoils me rotten and I am so grateful to be married to that cute boy. I had to work later which wasn't so lovely, but all good things must come to an end sometime! Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! They were needed this year more than ever! I am extremely blessed with wonderful family and friends in my life! :)