Monday, February 11, 2013


    So I flew out to Utah again on February 1 to watch my four cousins while my Aunt Laura and Uncle Jed went on a cruise. Here is a picture of the four kiddos below.
    Motherhood is a hard but rewarding job. These kids are amazing kids and were extremely helpful. We had a lot of fun making playdough, playing games, hot tubing, seeing Wreck-it-Ralph and just spending time getting to know my cute little cousins a bit better. I'm pretty sure we had more fun then their parents did on the cruise.
       My Grandpa Johansen turned 80 on Sunday Feb 3. I was very blessed to be able to see that cute man and celebrate his wonderful life. Grandpa J has always been the biggest example to me of strength both physically and spiritually. Through his diabetes, operations, and pain--he never complains. He is always happy and smiling. He is a spiritual giant. He knows so much about the church and has such a strong testimony. You can feel it just by being a few feet from him. He's always teaching me new things and helping to strengthen my own testimony. AND! He has the best smile ever... Happy Birthday Grandpa! I love you so much!
 photo IMG_15901_zps37bbc236.jpg    I was extremely blessed that my best friend Rebecca got her mission call while I was in Utah so I was able to attend! It was a beautiful moment and I think ever person in the room could feel the spirit as Becca bore her testimony before opening the call. She will be going to Asunción Paraguay and will leave on July 4! I am so excited and proud of her. She is a great missionary now and will be wonderful down in South America! Wow!
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    I also got to go lunch with my cute father-in-law twice! I love this man.. he raised such a great son and I'm so grateful that I could spend time with his goodness while I was visiting. (Not to mention-he took me to Cafe Rio... which I miss more than any other food out here!) photo IMG_1603_zps82f49c63.jpg
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    I also took back to Chicago with me the family cat--Minnie. I have never gotten so much attention in an airport before-carrying a crying cat was quite the attention grabber. (Everyone kept asking if I was carrying a baby in the pet carrier? what the?!) Luckily the plane's jets were loud so I didn't get kicked off. She's a super cute cat and very VERY snuggly. We are happy to have her. She keeps me company during Brian's long hours of study and doesn't mind watching the girl's drama on shows like the bachelor. She's allowed anywhere in our small apartment except our bedroom-which is the one place she wants to spend her time for some reason? She lays outside the bedroom door all day.. even though we hardly go in there! Weird? photo DSC_0005_zps6531dc82.jpg       It's good to be back in Chicago-never thought I'd say that. I missed Brian though it was great to spend a little time with my family. Chicago is home for now.

1 comment:

  1. Nooo!!!!!! Esther and I are deathly allergic to cats! Bummer! But I guess we can't be there on those long nights when Brian's studying so, oh well. :)


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