Sunday, May 4, 2014

Look Up

This video was going around on Facebook.. so I decided to watch it and was amazed at how much it hit home for me.

Let me take you back in time-back to September 9, 2010. This was my first date with Brian. I had a rule back then that I wouldn't bring my phone with me on dates because I didn't want the distraction. Brian and I were meeting his roommates for a night hike to the concrete playground and were driving up Logan Canyon. On the way we got lost and couldn't find our roommates. Brian's phone was dead, and he was driving an old beat up car that didn't display the time. We had no way to get a hold of anyone, and no way of knowing exactly what time it was. And so.. we drove on, half hoping to find his roommates, but the other half wanting to just continue talking together.

We ended up in Bear Lake. We stopped at a gas station and bought squirt guns, drove up on the beach and tried to have a water gun fight but the squirt guns wouldn't work.. so we turned up a CD of country songs and swung danced on the beach. And then? Because we still didn't know the time (though by this time it had to be almost midnight). We jumped in freezing Bear Lake for a midnight swim. And then it was back to Logan.. laughing and blasting the heater. I got home well past midnight, but I didn't know that. I wasn't being constrained by time or by a device itching to have me take a picture and show everyone what we were doing. It was soley for us.. him and me.

But Imagine if we had? If we had, had our phone we might have been able to call his roommates and find out exactly where they were. We might have been able to look at the clock and see 10:28 pm blinking back at us and knowing we should probably be turning around soon.

I'm not saying don't have a clock or a phone on a date.. This video just made me think about what I might have missed if we had both been distracted by our phones. It made me think about what we currently could be missing out on-even in our married lives. And it has made Brian and I both sit down and talk about what we need to do right now to look up.

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