Honestly even the distress that labor brought with all those contractions, and the painful beating that a woman's body goes through to bring a child into the world-is so faded that I can't even remember what the pain really felt like. Which is such a blessing in so many ways.. Don't get me wrong, I know there was pain, and a lot of it, but it isn't something I remember very clearly and I think Heavenly Father has big part in that. We remember those first pure moments of joy when we held new life and the raw emotion that was in the room.

7 minutes old and 7 months old... I feel like I was just holding my newborn baby and now I am chasing after a crawling wild child.
This girl is my little diva. She has quite the attitude ha! I have loved watching her personality develop more and more over the months. She is my social butterfly and wants to be involved in everything-meaning the center of attention!
Now that it is finally warmer-we are enjoying the nice weather by going to the parks. This girl loves swings! Look at that crazy hair!!
"Lincoln and Lydia swinging at a park..."

She is learning and growing so much! She loves to feed herself and usually ends up stuffing her face with everything we put on her plate. She is a "crawler" for her own form of the word. She knows how to get from point A to point B but she does it in her own style by flopping like a fish out of water. It's hilarious. But she is so fast at it that I wonder if she'll ever learn normal crawling.
She is still sleeping 12-13 hours at night with one wake up that we are currently trying to get her to break. She is a major chatter box and will talk and squeal your ears off if you let her. Her favorite toys are her fingers but she'll grab anything out of your hand and make it into something to chew on if you aren't careful. She loves to eat bananas and if you leave a bottle in site she will zoom across the room and grab it before you know what hit you.
She loves looking at board books and is trying really hard to turn the pages. She and the cat have become "friends" which pretty much means they just ignore each other. She is very animated and makes THE BEST faces that get us all worked up in laughter (which only eggs her on).

Yes I am that mom that let my child eat grass-well she munched on it more than anything and then slobbered it out everywhere.

Oh I live for this face! Sometimes Brian and I just go sit beside her crib and watch her sleep-both secretly wanting to wake her up and play with her. 

Bath sinks are the best! Best load of dishes I've ever done!

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