Saturday, August 27, 2016

Baby Larson #2 Maternity

My sister Camille Garrison is amazing.. she did these on our way to my cousin's cabin just off the side of the road in the matter of minutes. We are truly blessed to have her to be able to capture moments like this. 

I love the maternity pictures that my friend Rachel took when I was pregnant with Lydia and knew that I just wanted a couple to look back on with this new baby girl as well.. but with how busy our lives have been lately (particularly Brian's schedule with residency) I didn't know if we'd be able to grab any. I am SO grateful that we did! I love them!

Lately I've found myself trying to soak in all the moments that I can get with this girl. Her time as an only child and our only princess is about to expire. I have days where I have felt anxious in wondering if I'll be able to give both girls the attention they need and want when they are both here.. but then I feel the spirit whisper that we'll figure it out and it will all work out. All is well!

39 weeks and the clock is ticking down. I am amazed at how much our lives are about to change yet again in just a few days time. We're still trying to pick out a name and do a few more things on the house, but we are SO excited!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016


It's official.

We. Have. A. Home.

And not only do we have a home.. we MOVED in!

I can't help but want to call Brian "homie" every time I see him these days.

The house is in a lovely neighborhood in Bountiful and is a 1955 American ranch house.. I love the backyard which is very private with lots of trees and bushes that I just adore.

We closed on our home on June 22, 2016.. The next day we moved all our belongings into the garage.. The next day after that Brian started residency and I started working on the house. Talk about a busy weekend!

What started out as excitement and nervousness in buying an older home quickly turned to panic and stress as things we thought would be easy to fix or do ourselves turned into small (and some big) nightmares.

Walls crumbling, wood floors turning white, lead paint adventures, wallpaper disasters, electrical problems (causing our sprinklers not to work and lawn to dry up), broken sinks, weird piping, and so many other puzzling features of this home has sent us to our knees many times asking for help.

Brian was busy every single day (including weekends) with his ICU rotation which left me to work on the house while being 7-8 months pregnant. Thankfully we have been blessed with SO many family members and friends who have helped out by watching Lydia and getting projects done. I know that I couldn't have done it without them.

And when I look back through the last 6 weeks-I can see so many tender mercies on the way. We truly have been blessed through this whole process.

And we are here now.. in the house! There is still a whole lot of work to be done, but the upstairs is mostly done and it is livable!

Now time to prepare for this baby!!