Thursday, April 21, 2011

Help! My Apartment Has a Kitchen!

Toast, Sizzle, Boil, Sauté, Roast, BAM!

Do you remember the papers you have to fill out about yourself with questions like “What are your likes and dislikes?” or “What do you do in your spare time?” Of course you do, we still fill these things out today! There was always one question that I have never really been able to answer, “Write a list of your talents/abilities?” I always hated this question because I’ve never felt like I had any. I can’t play any instruments, sing, play sports well, crochet, etc! I would usually resort to writing down, “I have the ability to talk, A LOT!” and that was it. 
This is our kitchen
 But being married has opened a whole new door for me. I have found a new love (at the high price of calories) COOKING! I absolutely love it… Which is sad because our kitchen is the size of a closet....literally. But I’ve made it work. My stuff doesn’t come out always looking good.. but at least most if it tastes alright... Well Brian says it tastes good, but that’s not saying much since he will eat anything put in front of him. But I'm learning so that's a start! Here are a few of the things I've learned so far...
Things I’ve Learned about Cooking
1.    Mess is SO fun to make and I could add it to my list of talents... but I hate cleaning it up!
2.    Following the Recipe is good but so can being spontaneous. It’s about the adventure right? I married Brian. I have to be willing to try new things and try to make stuff work! He’s the one that has to eat it anyway. J
3.    Don’t judge a book by its cover. It’s what is on the inside that counts right? As long as it tastes good and Brian will eat it then it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
4.    I can control my portions… a lot of something and a little of something else. Like dessert! I always know if there is room because I know it’s coming and will make room!
5.    Failure is awesome! I gotta fail to know what it tastes like to succeed right? Practice makes perfect anyway.
6.    I can impress Brian with anything I cook… Because he is really good at making me feel special for trying.
7.    White shirts never stay white in the kitchen. A cute outfit will no longer be cute after I’ve cooked. It’s best to look like I’m going to work in the yard.
8.    I love cream cheese, brown sugar, onions, garlic, and corn. Not altogether. I just will put them in anything that I’m able to 
9.    It’s cheaper than eating out! And we get leftovers! There is no need to spend the money and eat out! I just try to find the recipe or recreate what I love at restaurants!
10. I know exactly what is going into my food! You consume fewer calories.  Research shows that people consume fewer calories when eating at home compared to eating at restaurants.  No giant dinner platters with three servings on them in your own kitchen
 My FIRST attempt at making rolls!
In the process.. I got here and didn't know how to shape them. But I tried my best! 
There they are... done.. Don't laugh at their shape.. Remember it's my first time!
And my little loaf
     Now the question you are wondering is if they actually tasted good. Well bad news.. This recipe called for shortening and I apparently used some old expired kind. It smelled like burning rubber.. but I'd never used it before so I thought that was how it was suppose to smell. I guess not, because the bread then tasted like burnt rubber. Pity.. but what can I say?
I am better off happily creating 
than creating to be happy.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog it is so cute! You are so cute! I love your rolls I laughed out loud when I saw them. So fun :)


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