Friday, April 1, 2011

Just Married :)

    It is strange to blog everyday for three months and then go a couple weeks without it. I'm was definitely going through withdrawals! Haha I'm back!
    Our first couple weeks of married life have been fabulous. Every minute has been wonderful and we grow deeper and deeper in love each day. We are still making adjustments to each other though. Each night Brian will grab me in his sleep, waking me up and then he'll hold me for a few minutes, let go, turn over, turn back, and start all over again! The funny thing is, he has no memory that he ever does it at night! He wakes up in the morning from a refreshed night of sleep while I have red eyes and feel exhausted and then he wonders why! It has definitely been an adventure so far!
    We have decided that it is really weird to live with someone all the time, but we can't help but enjoy it because of how new and exciting it is. I feel that a person sees themselves as a normal being until they get married, then their spouse sees what they do everyday and they no longer are normal. I don't feel normal anymore after some of the habits that I exhibit that I thought everyone did!
    We had the great opportunity on Saturday last week to go to with Brian's sister, to her husband Brett's play at the Heritage Playhouse in Perry. He was the lead in the Secret Garden where he played Uncle Archibald. It was so much fun to see him act and be with the family. During the intermission Brian and I stayed seated while Brian's sisters Sarah and Mandy, along with Sarah's two boys Hunter and Kyler, all went "to the bathroom." After the play we went out to our car and they had decorated it for our wedding since my friends weren't able to at my wedding! Here is a super bad picture but it was the best I could get because it was dark and my camera phone stinks!
    We were pretty surprised! Sadly, it had rained and so most of their decorations of whipping cream and cookies had fallen off. We had an awesome wet-toilet paper fight to clean it all off though!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, I'm still bummed the rain washed our awesome artwork away! Thanks for coming- it meant so much to Brett :) You guys are so cute and fun!


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