Monday, April 25, 2011

Wedding Video!

Here is part 1 of my wedding video! Aubrey Howell did all my videos and she did a great job! I love it.. 
I am so thankful for modern technology so that we can document moments like these to look back on! :) 
Check it out! :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Help! My Apartment Has a Kitchen!

Toast, Sizzle, Boil, Sauté, Roast, BAM!

Do you remember the papers you have to fill out about yourself with questions like “What are your likes and dislikes?” or “What do you do in your spare time?” Of course you do, we still fill these things out today! There was always one question that I have never really been able to answer, “Write a list of your talents/abilities?” I always hated this question because I’ve never felt like I had any. I can’t play any instruments, sing, play sports well, crochet, etc! I would usually resort to writing down, “I have the ability to talk, A LOT!” and that was it. 
This is our kitchen
 But being married has opened a whole new door for me. I have found a new love (at the high price of calories) COOKING! I absolutely love it… Which is sad because our kitchen is the size of a closet....literally. But I’ve made it work. My stuff doesn’t come out always looking good.. but at least most if it tastes alright... Well Brian says it tastes good, but that’s not saying much since he will eat anything put in front of him. But I'm learning so that's a start! Here are a few of the things I've learned so far...
Things I’ve Learned about Cooking
1.    Mess is SO fun to make and I could add it to my list of talents... but I hate cleaning it up!
2.    Following the Recipe is good but so can being spontaneous. It’s about the adventure right? I married Brian. I have to be willing to try new things and try to make stuff work! He’s the one that has to eat it anyway. J
3.    Don’t judge a book by its cover. It’s what is on the inside that counts right? As long as it tastes good and Brian will eat it then it doesn’t matter what it looks like.
4.    I can control my portions… a lot of something and a little of something else. Like dessert! I always know if there is room because I know it’s coming and will make room!
5.    Failure is awesome! I gotta fail to know what it tastes like to succeed right? Practice makes perfect anyway.
6.    I can impress Brian with anything I cook… Because he is really good at making me feel special for trying.
7.    White shirts never stay white in the kitchen. A cute outfit will no longer be cute after I’ve cooked. It’s best to look like I’m going to work in the yard.
8.    I love cream cheese, brown sugar, onions, garlic, and corn. Not altogether. I just will put them in anything that I’m able to 
9.    It’s cheaper than eating out! And we get leftovers! There is no need to spend the money and eat out! I just try to find the recipe or recreate what I love at restaurants!
10. I know exactly what is going into my food! You consume fewer calories.  Research shows that people consume fewer calories when eating at home compared to eating at restaurants.  No giant dinner platters with three servings on them in your own kitchen
 My FIRST attempt at making rolls!
In the process.. I got here and didn't know how to shape them. But I tried my best! 
There they are... done.. Don't laugh at their shape.. Remember it's my first time!
And my little loaf
     Now the question you are wondering is if they actually tasted good. Well bad news.. This recipe called for shortening and I apparently used some old expired kind. It smelled like burning rubber.. but I'd never used it before so I thought that was how it was suppose to smell. I guess not, because the bread then tasted like burnt rubber. Pity.. but what can I say?
I am better off happily creating 
than creating to be happy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


   I know.. I'm horrible. But I played a trick on Brian.. it was going to be hilarious but it kind of backfired on me. For one of my bachelorette parties I was given a pregnancy test. It wasn't a very good one, but I thought, "Why not pretend?" So one morning I went into the bathroom and tried it knowing very well that it would be negative due to birth control, but wanting to fake Brian out anyway. When I came back out I showed him the test.
     "Brian," I said, trying to have the straightest face possible and trying to look in panic "I have something to tell you." He looked at me funny and I proceeded, "I just took a pregnancy test, and well.. I'm pregnant." I covered my mouth to pretend to cry, but really I was stifling a laugh. I waited for his nervous response. I expected him to be horrified. Not because we don't want kids, but because we don't want kids right now. I feel too young for one thing, babies are expensive for another, we're newly weds---money does NOT grow on trees, and I have to finish one more year of school!
     Because of these reasons I expected him to freak out. But I was so wrong... Brian got this huge smile on his face and picked me up and swung me around and said, "Babe! That's wonderful!" Over his shoulder I panicked for real. Oops! I did NOT expect him to react like this! He set me down and I quickly told him that I was kidding.
     I guess it's a good thing to see how Brian would react to news like that!  But it definitely made me think twice about joking with him again... Phew!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Case of the Leaky Apartment...

Old Main, the day the snowstorm hit.. look at that wet snow.

    This weather sure loves to trick us all doesn't it! It decides back in January to make us all think spring will come early and then BAM! February swoops snow in on us.. And then the middle of March warms up and the snow melts, we all get out our flip-flops and shorts... Even some random girl got in a bikini outside the library on USU campus and laid out... though the temperature was clearly still mid-40s. We were all enjoying the sunlight! And then the snow hit.. Hard core.. For days at a time the weather had mood swings between snow, rain, and hail. Finally... it let up! And the sun is back out! While that is wonderful news.. Our apartment has decided it has had enough. Wearing socks and going barefoot on the carpet is no longer an option, unless you want your feet wet. The water is leaking in from the roof and from the baseboards. Not fast, don't take it that we're flooding... at least not yet, we just have wet walls/carpet/and doors... It's been an adventure thus far!

I wore boots, but walking through this was like swimming through water.
My feet were soaked and looked like raisins.
Here is where all the water is coming from..
Do you see that? Ya.. it better not come in anymore than it has already!
    This is just another adventure to grasp and it's still fun-believe it or not! :) These kinds of experiences just draw us closer together! We were able to get out of the apartment this last weekend and head up to Crystal Hot Springs with my family to swim and then go see the movie "Source Code." If you are looking for a good movie to see, that was a good one! It kept us on the edge of our seats! Sadly, it said the F-bomb randomly and that was not enjoyable. Dumb directors always have to give into Satan to keep up with the world I guess. 
Anyway.. We're happy even amongst our escapades! Woot!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


    For my English class at school we had to do a research paper on a topic that would persuade the audience to comply with your views. I did mine on the importance of unstructured play in a child’s life. To finish the assignment off, we had to make a YouTube video of our work. So this is my video! Camille helped me make it and we posted it on YouTube yesterday! CHECK IT OUT!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

When You've Got a Good Thing..


Oh I can't believe I finally found you baby
Happy ever after, after all this time
Oh there's gonna be some ups and downs
but with you to wrap my arms around
I'm fine

So baby, hold on tight
Don't let go
Hold onto the love we're making
Cause baby when the ground starts shaking
You gotta know when you've got a good thing

You know you keep on bringing out the best of me
And I need you now even more than the air I breathe
You can make me laugh when I wanna cry
This will last forever I just know, I know

So baby, hold on tight
Don't let go
Hold onto the love we're making
Cause baby when the ground starts shaking
You gotta know when you've got a good thing

We celebrated by eating the top of our wedding cake! Brian also took me out to eat at Gia's up here in Logan! One month down! Eternity to go! :) I'm SO excited! We've definitely got a good thing going!
Doesn't that just look delicious? Believe me.. it was! 
Chocolate/Vanilla with buttercream frosting and a cream filled center! :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Just Married :)

    It is strange to blog everyday for three months and then go a couple weeks without it. I'm was definitely going through withdrawals! Haha I'm back!
    Our first couple weeks of married life have been fabulous. Every minute has been wonderful and we grow deeper and deeper in love each day. We are still making adjustments to each other though. Each night Brian will grab me in his sleep, waking me up and then he'll hold me for a few minutes, let go, turn over, turn back, and start all over again! The funny thing is, he has no memory that he ever does it at night! He wakes up in the morning from a refreshed night of sleep while I have red eyes and feel exhausted and then he wonders why! It has definitely been an adventure so far!
    We have decided that it is really weird to live with someone all the time, but we can't help but enjoy it because of how new and exciting it is. I feel that a person sees themselves as a normal being until they get married, then their spouse sees what they do everyday and they no longer are normal. I don't feel normal anymore after some of the habits that I exhibit that I thought everyone did!
    We had the great opportunity on Saturday last week to go to with Brian's sister, to her husband Brett's play at the Heritage Playhouse in Perry. He was the lead in the Secret Garden where he played Uncle Archibald. It was so much fun to see him act and be with the family. During the intermission Brian and I stayed seated while Brian's sisters Sarah and Mandy, along with Sarah's two boys Hunter and Kyler, all went "to the bathroom." After the play we went out to our car and they had decorated it for our wedding since my friends weren't able to at my wedding! Here is a super bad picture but it was the best I could get because it was dark and my camera phone stinks!
    We were pretty surprised! Sadly, it had rained and so most of their decorations of whipping cream and cookies had fallen off. We had an awesome wet-toilet paper fight to clean it all off though!