Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 1! From Here to Eternity..

     I never thought this day would come. I'm writing this in complete unbelief. One more day... Tomorrow, is the big day. The day that Brian and I make the biggest decision of our lives. Our lives will never be the same again. But the best part is, they are only going to get better from here. I pray that everyone will one day have the opportunity that I have to marry their best friend in the temple for time and all eternity. What a marvelous blessing the temple is to our lives. People around the world are blessed by the presence of temples here on earth and they don't even know it. I earnestly hope that all who are worthy to enter into the temple will desire to be married there, even those who aren't worthy I pray will work to be worthy to enter.
     I finished my packing and praying that I didn't forget anything important. Brian and I left in the afternoon down to the Ogden Temple for one last grand experience before we were to be married. My good friend Trinity Key was able to go to the temple for her very first time ever. A little over a year ago I gave her a Book Of Mormon and watched her progress on this journey to attend the temple. February of 2010 she took the discussions, and now, a year later, she was able to perform the sacred ordinances in the temple. What a beautiful experience that was to be there with her. To congratulate her on her journey here. Brian was able to use his glorious priesthood and baptize and confirm us. I feel so blessed to be apart of these wonderful lives. These grand examples to me to always strive to be better each day and live up to my divine potential.
     Today is also a wonderful man's birthday. It's my future Father-In-Law Craig's birthday. Craig has been such a wonderful Father thus far. He take such good care of me and is always asking me about my life and what he can do to help. He is so supportive and such a hard working man. He has helped me out so much and really stuck up for me in some tough situations. I feel honored to be his daughter-in-law. I wish him a wonderful birthday and hope that he knows how much I love him and how excited I am to be a permanent part of his family. Happy Birthday Craig!
     I marry my best friend in the whole wide world tomorrow. I will become one with him as we enter that sacred covenant of marriage together. I love this feeling.. this feeling of accomplishment of such a sacred blessing, but then looking ahead at such a bright future for the two of us. I love Brian J Larson SO much!

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