Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday Brian!

 The world's most dangerous creature has just turned 23! That's right! Brian is officially getting old.

As of 8/16/2011
Brian is 23 years old.
  276 months old.
 1,200 weeks old.
8,400 days old.
  201,672 hours old.
12,100,339 minutes old. 
726,020,396 seconds old.

     The eve of Brian's Birthday, his best friend Chad Knowles and his girlfriend Emily Armstrong surprised Brian with a visit to Huntsville. Chad has been working all summer selling security systems around the country and was not expected to come back to Utah until the 27! Or so everyone thought! Little did Brian know, Chad and I had been planning this for a few weeks!
     It was out to dinner and then a night of games for the four of us! Party hardy is how we play!
Had to put a picture up of the cute couple! :)
Here is the lovely cream cheese cake that I made for Brian. It surely was delicious might I add!
Can you read what it says?!
I know... I know.. I married a cutie! It's true!
     For Brian's birthday we went to Lagoon with one of his mission companion and friends. That's why my hair looks crazy in this picture! It was a BLAST!

     I took my camera on the roller coaster to try and capture our faces.. Half the pictures were of the sky because of how fast it was!
Here's the group! Seastrand (Jake) Ryan, Amy, Megan, Me, and Brian!
It was a fabulous day! We had so much fun and I'm so happy that I'm able to share this great day with the man I love! Brian is so wonderful! He can make anyone smile and is literally my sunshine! I am so happy to be married to him! He's made a great Eternal Companion so far and I am just dying for more of him!
Happy Birthday Brian! I love you SO much!
He still hasn't changed! :)

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