Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Work=Playing Hard

       For the past few years I have had the awesome privilege of working for the Lackey family. They have two adorable little girls, Madison (9 years) and Morgan (6 years) that I get to watch each day. They feel like my little sisters to me and because of this I have realized more and more how much I'm really going to miss them when we move away next fall. We have so much fun together and they teach me more than I could ever teach them. I am blessed to become more and more prepared for the role of motherhood every day, especially when challenges come my way that require me to learn a great deal.
      This summer has been full of swimming, kayaking, lagoon, crafts, house, trampoline, kickball, treehouse museum, movies.. etc. They make work fun and something to look forward to!
One of our many crafts! The VOLCANO!
Off to lagoon! I am going to miss these cute girls' laughs. Really it's the cutest sound! (And not just because it means I actually did/said something funny!)

I know, we are SO cute!
    Morgan is 6 years old and is going into first grade. She is extremely smart for her age. She can be so shy around others she doesn't know well, but as soon as she opens up she is quite the talker. She keeps Joely (her wonderful mom) late for work with her cute stories and funny jokes. Morgan has the sweetest spirit and is so giving and kind. She's only learned that one place, and that is from her parents. Her parents are such an  example to me for what I want Brian and I to be. They give of themselves unselfishly and are always willing to help and drop whatever it takes to put someone else's needs above their own. Morgan has inherited this trait and what a wonderful to be passed on!
     Madison is 9 years old and she is very talented. She is also brilliant in school but has a special talent for writing. She has a great imagination full of amazing stories that I love listening to. Whenever we play House, she usually comes up with great plots to play where we are locked in a cave or have magic wands to defeat pirates and wizards. She has the cutest style that is unique to her and really shows he personality. She is always surrounded by many friends and it is just obvious why. She is just so darn fun and happy! Again, more traits learned from her great parents!
Morgan and I went to the Dinosaur Park, and we invited Brian to join us since he had never been. I think he enjoyed it very much, especially when we started playing House that the dinosaurs were real and chasing us!

 I can't get enough of those cute faces! I really am going to miss these girls more than ever before. I pray for them and their parents. I hope that even when they are older they will be able to look back at our time together smiling because of the memories we made and good times we had. They are such beautiful sweet, sweet spirits and I'm so grateful I was part of their lives for so long!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Anna. I loved reading your blog...it almost brought me to tears. You are so wonderful and such a special person to us. We thank you for being there to help us and keep our kiddos safe and happy while we are working! We will miss you and and wish you and Brian the best back in Logan this fall! Looking forward to seeing you soon.


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