Monday, August 20, 2012


    Well, it's been quite the busy couple of weeks. Here is the readers digest version of what we are doing now..
    Brian is loving school. He has made many friends and it seems like so many of them attract to him like flies to a candied apple. If it isn't his smile, it's his testimony. Already we've been out with other medical students to eat, where we are able to set small examples like ordering water to drink instead of beer and not participating in activities on Sundays. Already we've been asked many questions and have been able to plant several little seeds that will hopefully grow with more time.
    School is tough, it's a lot of information crammed into a few short hours. He goes to class from 8 until noon and then studies until dinnertime. He comes home where we play a few games together or read from our book that we've started (My sister Brooke got us into it) called the Maze Runner. I wait excitedly each night for him to come so we can read some more of it. Then it's bedtime (Sometimes work for me) and the next day repeats.
    We've garage sale hoped a few times.. I would have loved to have done more but we've been so busy and haven't had internet to see when they were that we haven't done as much as I wanted. I did find this little item above and grew so excited when I saw it and for the price I got it at, 5 bucks! Woot! It was a deal! I told Brian it can be my early birthday present.
Doesn't matter the time of day, the humidity is there. Can you see the foggy looking stuff on the windows?
The pond just down the road!

There are SO many trees here! We really swapped the mountains to live in a forest. Even though it is very city here, when you drive down the highways, the trees block all the buildings. I love it!
    This beautiful girl is who I get to spend my time with when I'm not with Brian. This is Hayden, she's 9 and has cerebral palsy. She is constantly always smiling making my job so much easier (though I couldn't get her to show me her big smile for the camera). I spend 2 days with her a week and then 2 nights with her on the weekends.
   She has such a sweet spirit.. and I honestly believe that she is really here on this earth to test and help us rather than the other way around. She has only a few words she can speak but they are, "I love you" 'Happy" "Apple" "Mommy" "Hi" and "Bagel". Her happiness brightens my day and makes work so much easier. Even when I'm changing her poopy diapers and I just hear her say, "I love you" with her huge grin--makes all the difference!

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