Anna Larson.. *Cough *Cough I mean.. Kendell (Soon to be Larson)
Ya that's right! This is my future wife!
So it's my turn to talk about Anna.... where to begin. Anna is.... well... Anna is... in

describable! She's amazing! All the good things I could say about her would not be enough.
Anna was born on September 16, 1991 to her parents Mark and Valerie Kendell. Her oldest sister Camille is married to Ben Garrison and they have a beautiful daughter named Claire. (She's pretty much Claire's favorite Aunt!) Then is Raquel who just graduated from WSU with Honors in Elementary Education. Then proceeds Anna and after her James who is a sophomore at Weber High and on the swim team there where he pretty much is the next Michael Phelps. Last but not least is the sports star Brooke, or Sasquatch is what the family calls her due to her huge feet and small and skinny body. Altogether they make up a pretty awesome family that I'm excited to join in on!
Anyway, Anna is a sophomore at Utah State studying FCHD, don't ask me what that is. She's incredibly smart, gotten straight A's her whole life, and continuing that tradition in college. Anna is a what you call a talker, she could talk to anyone about anything for as long as you let her. I learned that the first day I met her. We were driving to Lava hot springs which was nearly a two hour drive, and I think she talked the entire drive (Well maybe I got in 4-5 words). She's a lot like my mom in that regard, loves to talk to everyone. That's one reason why everyone is drawn to Anna though... she'll talk to you and make you feel wonderful. Anna loves to give compliments while she talks. When we went to general conference together, that was a way for her to start conversations with people. "I love your necklace, where did you get it?" she'd say and then five minutes later she's made a new friend. Valerie, Anna's mom, told me she's always been like that. If Anna ever got lost as a little girl, she could be found talking to some random person about anything and everything.
Anna likes to do anything out of the ordinary. She's loves everything from night hikes, to swimming in freezing bear lake, to dressing up as the abominable snowman and scaring her neighbors. It's never dull with her. If something not happening, she'll make it happen! Initially that's why I asked her out for a second date. I thought, any girl who will let me throw her into Bear Lake is worth asking out again. Then for our second date, I took her Ice blocking.... I figured, if she enjoys ice blocking then I'll take her on a third date. Well needless to say we've done lots of extraordinary things since then.
Anna likes to dance and sing. In high school she was always in the school plays, dancing and singing. Now, due to her chronic laryngitis, she is unable to sing as she used to. It's no fun to see her unable to do what she loves. But we make up for it... Anna and I go swing dancing nearly every week. It's our thing! She makes me feel masculine, because it's easy to lift such a thin girl! She's a star on the dance floor as she spins, twirls and flips. You'll have to watch us sometime! The only problem is that she is accident prone. She somehow manages to get hurt (don't worry I've never dropped her). We'll be dancing, doing backflips, and everything's great! Then when it's over as we're walking to the car, she'll slip on the ice.
Most importantly, Anna has a strong testimony of the Savior. She'll jump at any opportunity to share it with others. Anna will make sure I hold to the rod my whole life. I'm blessed to have Anna in my life!