Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 77! Partying Hardy!

    Last night Brian worked the night shift again so I felt so bad waking him up to go to a Christmas party. We drove down to my cousin Dirk and Trudy Keyes house for the Kendell side of the family party. We were late due to the horrible roads but arrived just in time to walk in and sing karaoke. Brian was wonderful about singing in front of many new faces and rocked out to "Jingle Bells" while I was just the back up. The rest of the party went great! It was wonderful to see everyone and sad to hear that my Aunt Jackie and Uncle Don Keyes's family will all be on a family trip during Brian's and My's wedding.. Sad day, but already we can feel their love and support.
    After it was a long drive home back to my house for Brian to get some sleep. Once home Brian went right to sleep while I went to visit my friend Heather Hogge--pretty much the girl I've stuck like glue to for many years. We had a great talk and then it was home again for a ward party to introduce Brian. I am pretty sure he was very overwhelmed with meeting everyone Ha. Altogether it was a great day, especially when we ended it off playing a family favorite game Settlers of Catan. What a beautiful Saturday with all the snow!
Here is my NEW ring! Officially! And I LOVE It! :)
 I finally got the pictures from the engagement night off my mom's camera! This is RIGHT after!
Here is what my room looked like! :)

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