Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 71! Christmas Eve

     Brian stayed overnight last night so that he could spend a little party of Christmas Eve with my family. We waited until Raquel's boyfriend, Jeremiah, came over and we set to work on our "Gingerbread" (but really made out of grahm crackers) houses. Everyone was very creative this year! My dad, mom, Raquel, and Brian designed some awesome looking houses. Brian said his was like the house off of Wizard of Oz with a tornado coming through and knocking down all his candy canes in his yard. Brooke made sports fields with soccer and basketball and a little store. She even put herself playing out on the field. James made a Porsche GT3RS and eventually went from using frosting to hot glue. Jerimiah did an outhouse that made us all laugh. It was very well thought out and creative. I did a castle in which the actualy building of the castle took a lot longer than I thought it would so I didn't have much time left to decorate. Oh well! It was still a blast!
     After we ended up playing games and we all went down to the ping pong table to play around the world. (This was probably one of my favorite parts of the day) It was hilarious to watch everyone try to run around the table to grab the paddle on the other side. It was great! Brian left not long after that so he could go home and be with his family and I spent the rest of the night with James and Brooke where we watched Christmas movies and then did our Christmas Eve tradition of opening up a present and reading the Christmas story pop-up book that we've had since I was born probably. James, Brooke, and I all slept in my room where we talked and watched a couple more movies until about 2 in the morning before we finally all fell asleep.. Merry Christmas! What a WONDERFUL DAY!

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